
Calm's Services

CALM offers it's clients a range of sustainable, long term solutions to meet both corporate and individual needs. They are "Holistic" in nature, contributing to "Enhanced Consciousness Levels", enabling you to pro-actively meet the challenges of present times.

With sustained training over a period of time, individuals shift from a state of "Survival / Existence" to "Balance & Fulfillment". Apart from serving individual needs, these courses help to create a work force that is more aware, mindful and works with a "Collaborative Consciousness" rather than a spirit of competition. This results in reduction of tension between individuals & teams, thereby creating a Win-Win for all.

Talent Development Solutions

Defining Vision, Mission, Purpose and Values, Mentoring Processes and Skills development for Mentors, Establishing Performance Coaching Systems and Skills Development for Performance Coaches

Executive Coaching Solutions

Corporate leaders and managers in today's VUCA times are required to achieve more with prudent resources as well as develop and implement greater outcomes with creative and innovative ideas.

UAE Nationals Development Solutions

CALM has extensive experience in initiating Nationalisation Development Programmes in Sultanate of Oman and the United Arab Emirates.

Holistic Wellness & Transformation Solutions

We are living in VUCA times!!! VUCA refers to volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity – expressions that describe our current times very aptly.