Executive CoachingWe are living in VUCA times!!! VUCA refers to volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity – expressions that describe our current times very aptly. Many aspects of life, as we know them now, are being transformed due to phenomenal and unprecedented pace of scientific & technological advancements. Our life styles, our working styles and the way we do business are all undergoing rapid change. CALM’s services are aimed at helping people and organisations to navigate through this maze of changes.

CALM’s unique expertise lies in bringing Spirituality, Psychology and values based blended learning solutions to the world. This is going to be the differentiator and game changer of the future that will facilitate individuals and organisations to live their true purpose and not merely exist. Our primary goal is to enable you - “our clients / participants” to shift your perspectives in order to effectively cope with challenges you are facing today.”

CALM offers it’s clients sustainable, holistic solutions to meet both corporate and individual needs. They contribute to “Enhanced Levels of Consciousness” enabling individuals to experience true happiness.

Gradually, individuals shift from a state of “Survival / Existence” to “Balance & Fulfillment”. Apart from serving individual needs, these courses help to create a work force that is more aware, mindful and works with a “Collaborative Consciousness” rather than a spirit of competition. This results in reduction of tension between individuals & teams, thereby creating a Win-Win for all in the organisation.

Some of our Holistic Programmes are in the areas of:

  • 1. Inner World – Outer World Balance
  • 2. Stress Liberation Through Mindfulness
  • 3. Art of Conscious Parenting
  • 4. Wealth Creation & Success Principles
  • 5. The Complete Circle

In addition to conducting these programmes, CALM also offers one-on-one Counselling and accepts Speaking Engagements.